About Me

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Surrey, BC, Canada
DX in '01 with MS; in Jan 02, Told it was PPMS "the good kind" whatever that means.... The progression of my MS has been a long and arduous journey, the last 5 years specifically. I went from complete independance (I drove, went to the mall, movies etc) to the point I am at now. I haven't been to a grocery store in about 3 years (I love grocery shopping), Ikea it has been about 5 years, Costco, at least 5 years - SUCKS!! My DL expired last birthday, and I didn't renew right away for two reasons - I didn't want to drive because of my MS (being responsible) and 2, I couldn't afford the renewal fee (cut my wage by $4 per hour due to the economy, which led to apathy on my part) Married since 1994 to my AMAZING husband, Dan; no kids but we have the freedom to travel - and travel we do!

Thursday, September 16, 2010



A new imaging studies suggests that Iron deposits deep in the brain may cause multiple sclerosis as this article says.

I don't know how true this is, or if the events I mention are coincidental.

a) I used to get perms all the time, and cotton was placed around the hairliine to absorb the excess solution. On me, the cotton always turned a bright purple/red color, and the hairdresser told me it was iron - coincidence?

b) I could never wear watches as I had a severe reaction to the metal, contact dermatitis my Dr called it (even the button on blue jeans gave me a rash.

c) wind-up watches did not work on me, they ran fast or too slow, and even stopped dead. Chlorella

Could all this be tied in to excess iron?
I have suggestions from some of my FB friends (Diana and Tina) that after "Liberation" AKA angioplasty, it is especially important to "GET THE IRON OUT", so taking the following daily is important:
It's just one of each capsule, per day with a meal... Iron acts like little Pac Men, whereas it destroys tissue, so please try to minimize this from happening, as much as you can, by taking your Milk Thistle.  Please wait until after your procedure to take this, as your blood flow inhibits proper elimination of the iron, therefore, it can be trapped in areas that chelation can't assist, until proper blood flow is restored
  • Green tea extract caps. (found at health food stores) 
  • Milk Thistle caps. so the iron doesn't get stopped in your body filters (kidneys and liver), where it can do damage.
  • It's just one of each capsule, per day with a meal...
  • Chlorella
  • Lions Mane Mushroom caps - help with regeneration

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