About Me

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Surrey, BC, Canada
DX in '01 with MS; in Jan 02, Told it was PPMS "the good kind" whatever that means.... The progression of my MS has been a long and arduous journey, the last 5 years specifically. I went from complete independance (I drove, went to the mall, movies etc) to the point I am at now. I haven't been to a grocery store in about 3 years (I love grocery shopping), Ikea it has been about 5 years, Costco, at least 5 years - SUCKS!! My DL expired last birthday, and I didn't renew right away for two reasons - I didn't want to drive because of my MS (being responsible) and 2, I couldn't afford the renewal fee (cut my wage by $4 per hour due to the economy, which led to apathy on my part) Married since 1994 to my AMAZING husband, Dan; no kids but we have the freedom to travel - and travel we do!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

BC-NDP pushes for 'liberation therapy' trials for MS sufferers


In an article in the Vancouver Sun yesterday (Tuesday), Adrian Dix, health critic for the BC NDP party have thrown their support behind this "controversial" (gag, gag) treatment for MS.  Stating that “When these patients return, they’re going to continue to be treated by doctors here and so the more we know and the more we understand about it, the better off we’ll be,” Dix said.

This has been one of my main points all along.  When I go for Angio, regardless of where I go out of Canada; our healthcare system is going to be on the hook for ANY follow-up care.  So why, please tell me... will we not cut out the middleman and perform the PROCEDURE ourselves?   It is kind of like we are cutting off our noses to spite our face.....

Read the article - we may have to hold our noses come election time!!

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